Community Advisors Content

The Sierra County Sun is committed to proactively seeking public input. We want Sierra Countians to have a say about our coverage. We also need ideas and advice about how to earn community support for our work. By regularly asking for feedback through the following three means, we are better able to serve the community’s news and information needs and to engage new readers and supporters.

Community Surveys

To guide its relaunch in October 2020, the Sun invited Sierra Countians to participate in two online community surveys, one for charter subscribers, the other for new or occasional readers. Among other helpful insights, the survey findings influenced the Sun’s decision to make its website free to all. The Sun intends to periodically update and roll out these surveys as they have proved to be an effective, efficient tool for taking the pulse of the community.

Community Forums

Held twice a year, the Sun’s community forums are opportunities for members of public to comment on the Sun’s editorial performance and business and fundraising operations.

Community Advisory Committee

The Sun’s Community Advisory Committee is comprised of members of the Campaign to Save the Sun Committee. After the Sun announced that it would cease publication in August 2020, this group of concerned citizens stepped forward to raise the necessary funds to keep the Sun in operation for another year.

Serving one-year terms, committee members meet quarterly with the Sun’s board and editorial principals. Their feedback and expertise inform planning to secure the future of public-interest journalism in Sierra County.

Community Advisory Committee

Robbin Brodsky
Stan Brodsky
Mary Cavett
Jim Ciancia
Mary Anne Ciancia
Anka Ewerbeck
David Farrell
Gary Gritzbaugh
Jan Haley
MaryAlice Holmes*
Tom Hinson
Durrae Johanek
John Johanek*
Lou McCall
Tracy McGowan
Martin Mijal
Steve Morgan
Barbara Pearlman
Haruhuani Spruce
Nichole Trushell
Max Yeh*

* Member of the Sierra County Sun’s Board of Directors

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