Truth or Consequences City Commissioner Frances Luna informed her colleagues at the city commission meeting today that the city police department has mounted half a dozen cameras throughout town to—as she put it—“just watch us.”
While the city is surveilling the public, it has neglected audiovisual upgrades to city chambers, although online meeting attendance is the only means of public participation during the pandemic. During the commission meeting, the camera, sound and phone system blinked in and out, hampering the public’s ability to give comment and monitor the workings of city government.
Luna said she learned of the cameras after receiving three phone calls yesterday. She went out to look at them, noting they are all mounted on city electric poles.
The locations of the cameras are:
• south side of South Broadway Street just east of the entrance to the 76 gas station in Williamsburg
• intersection of South Broadway and Central Avenue in front of Reed’s Tire in Williamsburg
• intersection of Kruger Street and Third Street
• south side of Third Street across from the Seventh Judicial District Courthouse
• north side of North Date Street, immediately east of the entrance to McDonald’s
• south side of North Date Street, directly across from Denny’s.
The cameras are aimed at license plate level, Luna said, prompting her to ask City Manager Morris Madrid what the cameras are for and who is on the other end of the camera feed.
Madrid said the city police own the cameras, which were approved as part of the 2020-21 budget. He did not refute Luna’s assertion that city commissioners were never informed it was buying and posting surveillance cameras.
“This is seriously unnerving,” Luna said.
Madrid said such surveillance by a government is “common practice,” and the cameras watch public-property locations, not private property.
Four T or C residents are appealing the smart-meter replacement of their analog electric meter, as allowed under city code 14-30 (E). The code states the city will promulgate rules for the appeal process, but it has not.
The code states the appeal shall first be made to the electric department director and then the city manager and then the city commission. The city combined the first two appeals steps in denial letters issued to all four appellants by City Manager Morris Madrid, Electric Department Director Bo Easley and City Attorney Jay Rubin.
Ron Fenn, one of the appellants, spoke during the meeting’s public comment period, noting that he only got a “two-line” response as to why his 27-page appeal was turned down. He requested the city commission give reasons for denying or accepting his appeal arguments and that the hearing be held during a public city commission meeting.
Madrid confirmed that the appeals will be heard during the Jan. 27 city commission meeting.
Rubin responded by noting that appellants can “supplement” their arguments in the appeals to be heard by the city commission. He provided no specific guidance.
Luna asked her fellow commissioners to approve the revitalization of the moribund Sierra County Economic Development Organization, which years ago started as a “volunteer” organization that grew to have a full-time paid director and administrative assistant.
The organization died because tangible results could not be correlated to the work or expense, Luna said.
“I think we are reaping those rewards now,” Luna said, without giving economic growth figures or naming projects or businesses that contributed to growth.
In a recent conversation with state Representative Rebecca Dow and state Senator Crystal Diamond, Luna said it was agreed the governmental entities in the county need to work together on planning and economic development.
Mayor Sandra Whitehead spoke up in favor of Luna’s proposition and exhorted local entities “not to backstab each other,” to communicate better and to work together in “unity.”
Whitehead also said planning documents, such as those related to Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan projects, should be widely circulated. “Everybody needs that information. We need documentation.”
Mayor Pro Tem Amanda Forrister agreed, suggesting that the South Central Council of Governments should be more involved in improving communication and collaboration on proposed economic development projects.
Luna asked permission to be the “city’s representative” in contacting each of the entities she thought should be invited to participate, a list not made available to the public. After claiming “I have experience in this,” she received informal approval from the commission to reconstitute SCEDO.
A public hearing was held at today’s meeting on a proposed land exchange between the city and Randy Ashbaugh, a developer who owns (among other properties) several convenience store/gas station establishments named Fast Stop in the area.
No public testimony was given. The city commission approved the land swap unanimously.
Ashbaugh will receive 20 city acres lying between Interstate 25 and the city golf course. The city will receive 17.25 acres of Ashbaugh’s property across the highway.

The 20 city acres were independently appraised at $222,500 and are zoned commercial. Ashbaugh’s 17.25 acres were independently appraised at $136,000 and are zoned transitional.
Ashbaugh will pay the $86,500 difference in property values and will cede utility easements within the 20-acre property to the city.
Madrid said the city will benefit by receiving land in which two businesses have expressed interest. One business, he explained, holds “dirt track races in the southern part of the state and wanted to add this location to the tour before COVID happened.” This business “still retains an interest.”
A second business operates RV parks, Madrid said, and also expressed interest “pre-COVID.” It is still interested, he maintained.
Ashbaugh told the Sun in an interview in November he wants the 20 acres primarily to enable him to build a road that will connect Kopra Street to the Walmart shopping center.
Commissioners received an update on reimbursement for damages caused by the July 26 flood event. Declaring the flood a disaster, the city filed an application for about $2.2 million in reimbursement with the state Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management in October. In December, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham issued an executive order stating the city qualified for a $750,000 reimbursement for flood damage.
Madrid said a DHSEM official informed him yesterday the city must submit proof of what repair work has been done and account for the money expended to collect the $750,000. The city may qualify for “more than $750,000” by submitting detailed repair plans for the affected sites.
The city held public hearings at 11 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. on Jan. 12 to elicit community input on needed or desired Community Development Block Grant projects.
The U.S. Housing and Urban Development disburses about $11 million for CDBG projects each year to New Mexico. Small rural cities may apply for infrastructure grants up to $750,000 or for planning grants for $50,000.
The city’s input hearings were held online, with South Central Council of Governments official Tiffany Goolsby conducting the meeting. No members of the public attended.
Neither hearing had a written agenda. Although the public notice for the hearings stated CDBG projects the city has completed in the past would be discussed, this information was not made available.
At the 11 a.m. hearing, Manager Madrid said he will give the city commissioners a list of proposed projects at the commission’s Jan. 27 meeting. Commissioners can select one among them or propose others. The public may also propose CDBG projects, Madrid said, by contacting Grants/Project Coordinator Traci Alvarez.
Picking my subject from the several in this article that merit a comment….
“Luna asked her fellow commissioners to approve the revitalization of the moribund Sierra County Economic Development Organization, which years ago started as a ‘volunteer’ organization that grew to have a full-time paid director and administrative assistant.”
We have been here since 2006. Other commentators may post something here about this with direct firsthand knowledge. It would be very good if those that were directly involved previously in this would comment. Was it a slush fund for the last paid manager? Were there any projects that were accomplished? Rumors abound here. Taking a good look at the problems of the past and reformatting this organization for a better outcome seem to be imperative.