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Why we, the people, must demand due process for Ron Fenn

by Diana Tittle | December 14, 2020
7 min read

…permits aggrieved citizens to file civil suits against any government employee is currently under review by state legislative committees. (Read the Sun’s coverage of the commission’s majority report here and

Truth or Consequences Health Emergency Resolution modified to give City Manager singular power to act

by Kathleen Sloan | March 24, 2020
4 min read

…resolution, but during discussion, Clark said Madrid “should give regular updates to the City Commission” in writing and those updates should not only go to the City Commission members, but…

Fenn files court case against City for violating law requiring they hold a special election on smart-meter ban

by Kathleen Sloan | January 30, 2020
5 min read

…states if the City Commission fails to act, then it “shall” pass a special election resolution to let the people decide.  In defiance of State law 3-14-18, the City Commission…

TorC will purchase electric smart meters for $1 million

by Kathleen Sloan | September 9, 2019
5 min read

…the company does, it would be going against the state’s Public Regulation Commission, which rejected another company’s bid to install smart meters. According to the Santa Fe New Mexican’s April…

Debt paid off with utility fees not β€œdebt” according to state law

by Kathleen Sloan | June 27, 2020
3 min read

​Truth or Consequences City Manager Morris Madrid, during the June 10 City Commission meeting, said the state government and City lenders evaluate and monitor the City’s overall debt, ensuring it…

Riverwalk grant is gateway to future City spending

by Kathleen Sloan | June 11, 2020
3 min read

…the City Commissioners properly, despite numerous complaints on the audio in the last three months of the COVID-19 physical shutdown of meetings. None of the public comment was understandable.  Local…

Public Utility Advisory Board recommends slightly lower water-rate hike than published ordinance

by Kathleen Sloan | February 25, 2020
4 min read

and two days before the City Commission will vote on the same item. Madrid controls the PUAB agenda, although it is the City Commission’s citizen advisory board, which should have…

Interview with Candace Chavez, candidate for Sierra County Treasurer

by Kathleen Sloan | May 2, 2020
3 min read

Candace Chavez is already second-in-command at the Sierra County Treasurer’s office, appointed Chief Deputy Treasurer two years ago by current-County Treasurer Terri Copsin. Copsin is retiring, Chavez said. It is…

Smoking lessons in the time of COVID

by Max Yeh | May 11, 2021
6 min read

freedom, even if that freedom was not an actuality. As I said in a previous guest column last month, freedom in America is based not on rights but on equality…

Preview: H. Joe Waldrum retrospective at Rio Bravo Fine Art Gallery

by Kathleen Sloan | October 8, 2019
2 min read

…differently-colored stacked squares, which he called triptychs, a term that conjures religious altarpieces, he said:  “The triptychs free me of previous academic considerations associated with making paintings. Composition and other…

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