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Using utility-fee revenue as city cash machine will stop as requirement of USDA loan

by Kathleen Sloan | April 25, 2020
5 min read

…last five years of utility-fee transfers and the current state of utility infrastructure, read the Sierra County Sun’s previous article:  Analysis: Why Truth or Consequences City Commissioners don’t have to…

City’s water rates must go up to get $9.4 million loan/grant

by Kathleen Sloan | January 23, 2020
3 min read

…well as put money aside for debt reserve and repairs. The City is currently collecting about $911,000 yearly.  Karl Pennock of Rural Community Assistance Corporation presented the rate study, with…

News analysis: T or C’s financial paradigm shift

by Kathleen Sloan | September 7, 2021
7 min read

for ending the practice of utility fund transfers and cuts. Citizens’ wants and needs, city commissioners’ accountability and their ability to solve problems will come to the fore as the…

City Attorney’s β€œorder” and β€œfindings of fact” offer up alternative reality

by Kathleen Sloan | March 1, 2021
8 min read

…the amount that Sierra Electric Co-op charges to read an analog meter. The other commissioners passed the motion unanimously. In doing so, the commissioners violated the Open Meetings Act by…

An appropriate wrap-up

by Max Yeh | December 3, 2021
7 min read

…The Sun has been grateful to republish many important stories that Searchlight makes available free of charge to other not-for-profit news organizations around the state. The Sun board has Searchlight’s…

Sierra County Commissioners have blocked Spaceport tax board from exercising fiscal oversight for years

by Kathleen Sloan | February 3, 2021
11 min read

…tax district board invested fiduciary responsibilities in a six-person board, to be comprised of two Doña Ana County Commissioners, two Sierra County Commissioners and two members appointed by the governor,…

2021’s Transformative Legislation

by Paul Gibson | January 7, 2021
9 min read

…an alternative supplier while still receiving transmission and distribution service from the existing utility. The act would open electricity markets to competition and give communities control over which entity supplies…

State and county betting on the job creation prowess of experimental SpinLaunch

by Kathleen Sloan | January 25, 2021
14 min read

…years experience founding companies in Fortune 500 consulting, IT, construction, and aerospace industries,” laid out these potential competitive advantages in a Jan. 29, 2020, Wired Magazine article. Wired’s examination of…

Fire and then flood show prevention could have mitigated extent of damage (Part 1)

by Kathleen Sloan | October 16, 2020
10 min read

…recommended the city enforce its nuisance and weed codes as a means of making private landowners clear out underbrush. City Manager Morris Madrid refuted Tooley’s contention, claiming at the commission…

Sourcing for Yeh’s column advising vaccinated to wear masks

by Max Yeh | July 22, 2021
2 min read

…people. For anyone willing to research scientific studies on the pandemic, the source is Google Scholar. All the medical journals in English are free and available on Google Scholar with…

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