At their June 15 meeting, the Sierra County Commissioners signed a contract with a new county manager, Charlene Webb. Webb’s contract will run from July 26, 2021, until July 31, 2024, at an annual salary of $135,000. The county will be without a full-time manager until late July.

Webb brings extensive experience to her new position, having served as county manager in Grant (7 years) and Roosevelt (12 years) counties in New Mexico.
She will assume the same duties as her predecessor, Bruce Swingle, at the same salary Swingle earned at the end of his seven-year tenure. Swingle left county government in April to accept the city manager’s position in Truth or Consequences. Webb’s duties will include day-to-day and financial operations. She will also be responsible for personnel management and oversight of the county departments.
In addition to her salary, Webb will be allowed 160 hours of annual leave and receive the standard county employment benefits of retirement, medical, life and dental insurance. The county will provide her with an iPad, laptop and cell phone and will reimburse expenses she incurs while traveling on county business. Webb will not be eligible for overtime or sick or annual leave pay. There are no provisions for termination or grievance procedures in her contract.
Since Swingle’s departure in April, Serena Bartoo has acted as interim county manager. Commission Chairperson Jim Paxon told the Sun via email that Bartoo will continue in that position for one day a week for the next two weeks.
Paxon said that he and Dave Pato, the county’s outside attorney, “will be coordinating with department heads and staff to keep the county operating efficiently.”