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Community Service Announcement: There’s still time to express your opposition to Holloman Air Force Base’s proposed expansion of its F-16 training airspace by as much as seven million additional acres over southwestern New Mexico, T or C Indivisible, Nov

by Kathleen Sloan | November 25, 2019
2 min read

…of radar-deflecting chaff fibers. INFORMATION YOU’LL NEED TO COMMENT Impact reports, helpfully digesting the AF’s thousand-page Draft Environment Impact Statement (DEIS), are available at, an informational website organized by…

$50,000 wastewater asset management plan will ID future projects

by Kathleen Sloan | November 18, 2020
3 min read

…wastewater treatment system, implementing the plan and appointing an asset management plan steering committee. But the belated timing of the commission’s enabling resolution is confusing. City staff applied for the…

Making Sense of Sierra County’s 2020 Property Taxes

by Tom Plant and Debora Nicoll | October 29, 2020
5 min read

…the coffers of Sierra Vista Hospital, the Sierra Soil & Water Conservation District and the Sierra County Office of Flood Control. Everyone in Sierra County, whether owners of residential or…

“Riverwalk” ideas get thumbs down from community

by Kathleen Sloan | July 2, 2021
8 min read

…project’s scope of work, described in the Wilson contract, did not come before the city commission for review and discussion. The commission’s involvement was limited to approving the city’s application…

The seeds of independence

by Luis Rios | July 22, 2021
5 min read

…start making space [for organic produce] in either the Community Garden [in T or C] or their personal garden.” Zimmerman said.   To further the goal of educating the community,…

City Attorney’s “order” and “findings of fact” offer up alternative reality

by Kathleen Sloan | March 1, 2021
8 min read

…a computer in order to create the bill. The elaborate billing procedure was added to Rubin’s Order before the city commission approved the document, making it appear the city commission…

Debt paid off with utility fees not “debt” according to state law

by Kathleen Sloan | June 27, 2020
3 min read

…claim the City is not and cannot be overextended given state and lender oversight.  The Sun focused on the City’s biggest lender, which is also a state governmental entity, the…

Analysis: Why Truth or Consequences City Commissioners don’t have to be transparent

by Kathleen Sloan | April 26, 2020
5 min read

…used to maintain them in good order.  In a prior article– READ THE FULL ARTICLE –the Sierra County Sun, using City documents, demonstrated the City is losing nearly 20 percent…

Fact checking Dow’s announcement that she is seeking governor’s office in 2022

by Kathleen Sloan | July 21, 2021
12 min read

…a country where a communicable disease was present.” Title 42 Expulsions are administered by the Border Patrol’s Office of Field Operations, which also oversees Title 8 Inadmissibles. The U.S. Border

UPDATE: Broadband company working to win BLM construction permit for fiber optics network in southern Sierra County

by Debora Nicoll | May 6, 2021
5 min read

…schools had received through the FCC (Federal Communications Commission). Since Arrey is not served by Sierra Electric Co-op, SWC is burying the school’s fiber optics cables along Highway 187’s public…

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