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County backs bill to reinstate state meat inspection, expand markets for local producers

by Debora Nicoll | February 5, 2021
12 min read

and the staff did not have sufficient regulatory knowledge, did not adequately test for pathogens and did not demonstrate adequate oversight. FSIS Comprehensive ReviewDownload After the state worked unsuccessfully for

Drive-by sightings

by Robert Galbraith | January 18, 2021
5 min read

…Airstream in the historic hot water district and gone hunting. Often, he is first in search of a cup of coffee but, always, always, always, he is on alert for

Crip Camp

by Michael Young | April 2, 2021
7 min read

copyright © by Patti Smolian courtesy of LeBrecht could easily have built the entire movie around the found footage. But he didn’t stop with this windfall. Instead, he traced…

Solid waste rate comparison among cities similar in size and isolation to T or C

by Kathleen Sloan | May 5, 2021
4 min read

compared T or C’s trash-collection rates for residential customers to those charged by Taos, Tucumcari, Raton and Aztec—cities that are also located fairly far from larger communities. Denser population centers…

Middle Rio Grande Economic Development Association provides blueprint to guide Sierra County out of its “desperate” economic predicament

by Debora Nicoll | January 18, 2021
6 min read

…on the “Download” button below). At the Sierra County Commission’s December meeting, Swingle informed the commissioners only that the assessment was complete and that elements of it would be implemented over…

Sentinel’s unconscionable breach of journalism ethics

by Diana Tittle | October 29, 2021
5 min read

…the election to the commission of a known challenger of the status quo. Fenn acknowledges that he did not use the requested submission address ( and instead sent his completed…

Preview of Truth or Consequences City Commission meeting June 24:  Public hearing on County—not City—handling local elections; Massive budget adjustment;    Hospital and utility board appointments

by Kathleen Sloan | June 22, 2020
6 min read

…its representative. Rolf Hechler, a City Commissioner until May 31 and also the City’s Joint-Powers-Commission representative, has applied to be on the Governing Board. The City Commission will also consider…

Truth or Consequences City Commission and staff plan a “retreat” next week, violating essence of Open Meetings Act

by Kathleen Sloan | August 13, 2020
5 min read

…making it extremely difficult for the public to attend. He would not comment specifically on the retreat, but did say, “The Open Meetings Act requires openness when public business is…

Pueblo map seeks to spread power, but Republicans fear loss of New Mexico House seat

by Gwyneth Doland, New Mexico In Depth | October 13, 2021
8 min read

…groups say that the committee has opened an opportunity for long-neglected communities of interest to better push for districts that serve them.  The independent, nonpartisan Citizens Redistricting Committee, modeled on similar…

City of T or C plans to build electric vehicle charging stations, apparently without market study or cost-benefit analysis

by Kathleen Sloan | April 1, 2021
8 min read

…public comment segment of March 24 city commission meeting, T or C resident Ariel Dougherty brought up the car charging stations, the first mention of the project in a public…

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