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Analysis: Questions that should be asked at Wednesday’s public hearing on smart water meters

by Kathleen Sloan | October 11, 2021
6 min read

…by the city commission. It declined, not because it had sought and received neutral, third-party advice about the cost-benefits of smart meters. The city commission recognized the price was simply…

City commission takes no immediate action on smart water meters

by Kathleen Sloan | October 20, 2021
9 min read

…public and the commission’s decision-making process regarding whether to spend millions of dollars on the water meter replacement project. The “City Commission Rules of Procedure,” found on the municipal website,…

T or C takes first step toward possible sale of its electric utility

by Kathleen Sloan | November 3, 2021
5 min read

The Truth or Consequences City Commission approved the hiring of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association to assess the advantages to customers, the city and Sierra Electric Cooperative of a…

“Riverwalk” economic feasibility study recommendations unveiled

by Diana Tittle | November 14, 2021
5 min read

…study may do so in person during public comment at Wednesday’s city commission meeting. Or, before the end of the day tomorrow, Monday, Nov. 15, they may submit written comments…

Fewer people here means fewer dollars from federal and state government

by Debora Nicoll | November 15, 2021
4 min read

…maximize participation in the census by Sierra County’s residents, Swingle told the Sierra County Commission that every uncounted resident would result in a decrease in $3,000 in funding to the…

Baca and Forrister almost squeeze in relative unknown to fill vacant city commission seat

by Kathleen Sloan | November 17, 2021
3 min read

…him, but the public has become familiar with his 100 percent attendance at city commission meetings and his frequent public comments to the commissioners. Dumiak was a member of the…

Analysis: Virgin Galactic may be close to taking off, but Spaceport remains earthbound, Part 1

by Kathleen Sloan | November 19, 2021
9 min read

…September while the company made “required changes” to its communications systems. Less than a month later, in mid-October, the company announced that it would not begin commercial service until the…

Analysis: Virgin Galactic may be close to taking off, but Spaceport remains earthbound, Part 2

by Kathleen Sloan | November 29, 2021
17 min read

…featured legislators On March 19, 2003, Bill Richardson held a signing ceremony to enact the Gross Receipts and Compensating Tax Act, which granted to space exploration and commercialization companies several…

Understanding New Mexico’s proposed new social studies standards for K-12 students

by Debora Nicoll | December 9, 2021
13 min read

…standards was posted on NMPED’s website on Sept. 29 for the public to read and comment on. The period for posting comments ended on Nov 12.   The required 30-day comment period…

The seeds of independence

by Luis Rios | July 22, 2021
5 min read

…start making space [for organic produce] in either the Community Garden [in T or C] or their personal garden.” Zimmerman said.   To further the goal of educating the community,…

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