“Riverwalk” ideas get thumbs down from community
8 min read
POSTED IN Truth or Consequences Government | TAGS: business, infrastructure, parks & recreation, water
T or C City Commission approves citizen’s request to site and name a 9/11 Memorial Park on city land
5 min read
Elephant Butte news roundup
5 min read
POSTED IN Elephant Butte Government | TAGS: business, elected officials, finance, law, parks & recreation
GRT is up in Elephant Butte, but Sierra del Rio Golf Course requires greater public subsidy
2 min read
Preview: Truth or Consequences City Commission meeting July 22: Final budget workshop, $2.24 million loan, opting in to county running elections
5 min read
POSTED IN Government | Truth or Consequences Government | TAGS: elections, finance, parks & recreation, policies & practices
City Manager claims parking lot by river was never in Ralph Edwards Park plan
2 min read
POSTED IN Truth or Consequences Government | TAGS: conservation & sustainability, parks & recreation
Ralph Edwards Park plan is changed after bids come in and are rejected
3 min read
POSTED IN Truth or Consequences Government | TAGS: parks & recreation
Riverwalk grant is gateway to future City spending
3 min read
POSTED IN Truth or Consequences Government | TAGS: agencies & departments, finance, nature, parks & recreation, public boards
Preview of Truth or Consequences City Commission meeting, Wednesday, June 10: Water loan/grant, planning grants, extending health emergency resolution
3 min read
POSTED IN Truth or Consequences Government | TAGS: finance, fire & emergency services, health, parks & recreation, policies & practices, utilities, water
Elephant Butte City Council sends letter to Governor asking that EB Lake St. Park be opened
6 min read
Elephant Butte gives Spirit Golf a five-year management contract with easy-out termination
3 min read
Spirit Golf and City of Elephant Butte come to an agreement on managing Sierra del Rio Golf Course
< 1 min read